Ok, this show was postponed the first time about two months ago. Thing is that Deicide will finally do what shall be their third presentation in Chile thus far this february 28th. But don't bet on it ´coz with Deicide you never know. Let's hope everything works out right. This will also be a good opportunity to catch chilean bands
BLASART and the legendary
TORTURER playing their respective sets.
http://www.torturer.cl/ (Torturer)
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=207752266 (Blasart)
http://www.recrucide.cl/ (Recrucide)
Bueno, es de esperar que no se caiga esta presentación. Pero con Deicide nunca se sabe. ¿Recuerdan esa vez cuando iba a tocar con Hammerfall y Arch Enemy hace como 10 años atrás?